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Attestation of documents

Fee structure:

S. No. Type of document Fee in USD ICWF fee in USD Total Fee in CFA ICWF in CFA Total
1 Attestation of affidavits/documents pertaining to sale, purchase, power of attorney, mortgage, transfer, gift, etc. of real estate or moveable properties. 20 2 22 12000 1200 13200
2 Attestation of civil documents (affidavits, educational degree, sponsorship certificates, marriage certificates, wills, Power of Attorney(other than real estate or movable properties) etc. 10 2 12 6000 1200 7200
3 Attestation of Trade/Commercial documents or issue of any certificate 'country of origin' etc. pertaining to exports from foreign country to India 50 2 52 30000 1200 31200
4 Consular Officer solemnizing a marriage, registration of a marriage certificate and a certified copy of the entry. 50 2 52 30000 1200 31200
5 Any other Miscellaneous certificates(including Birth certificate) or services including attestation 25 2 27 15000 1200 16200
6 Attestation of pension papers, life certificate etc. pertaining to pensioners. 0 2 2 0 1200 1200

Bank Account

For depositing consular / passport/ visa fee in the Embassy of India Dakar bank account, may note the following account details of the Embassy:

For depositing fee in CFA:

CFA Account details: CFA Regular Account No. 2290 145 1164 RIB 62
Bank name and address:- Societe Generale De banques au Senegal (SGBS) 19 Avenue Leopold Sedar Senghor BP- 323, Dakar, Senegal SWIFT- SGSNSNDA

For depositing fee in US$

Bank name: Ecobank
Account Holder Name:  HCG of India, High Commission of India, the Gambia
US$ Account Number: 6261005659

Steps to apply:

  • Applicant should deposit applicable fee in the Embassy’s account as per above table.
  • Applicant should fill the Google Form at the link:
  • After perusal of the documents the Embassy will give appointment for the attestation, if everything is in order. If anything is missing, the Embassy will inform you on email.
  • Applicant should be present in the Embassy at the given time. The documents are generally attested and returned on the same day.
  • If applicant has any doubt regarding the fee applicable for particular kind of document, please email to for the confirmation.


Documents can be submitted on the day of the appointment in the morning from 1030 hrs to 1130 hrs. Attested documents can be collected in the afternoon from 1530 hrs to 1630 hrs on the same day or the day given by the Embassy. 

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